The Heri Group


Heri manages complementary primary and secondary investment solutions across the real estate credit, real estate equity and infrastructure asset classes with the ability to invest in all levels of a company’s capital structure — from senior and subordinated debt to common equity.

Investment Platforms

Real Estate Credit

Heri creates flexible, highly structured financing solutions for property owners with transitional capital needs across a wide spectrum of real estate asset types. 

Our portfolio consists of senior secured and subordinated loans backed by high quality businesses and real estate. 

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Real Estate Equity

Our real estate equity investment platform focuses on core, value-add and opportunistic investments. 

Backed by our team, access to proprietary deal flow, a thematic investment approach, and synergies with the broader Heri platform, we are able to identify and effectively execute on attractive opportunities.

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Infrastructure Assets

Heri targets essential social and economic infrastructure assets or companies with stable cash flow profiles and high barriers to entry.

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